2 strong web sites and very old sites, good reputation of stones, Net knowledge and net income,old clients, syam and jaybal as team, press adds effect,syam tin number,pocket calenders,visiting card etc,tirupati team of manufacturers,cash in hand and no big family commitments,planning,timemnagement,teaming,motivating and language ans selling skills on hand,Idea bank and press power,2 cell phones,analysis power,decicion power,my writing skills diaried and calenders
strong product portfolio,new idea,blog help,thulasi at hand,sharma,laminations are very economical,
Weakness:1.no team,no office,no byke,no tin number,Album,bad habits,gold,passport,to develop darshanam contacts.Laptop poor distribution and courier ?? head is high cost:
Oppurtunities:New products,blending Kalamkari art with other stones etc,Kalamakri calender,head,shanku chakra,nethra darshan lamination,Ebay,amazan,that buildings data at tirumala idea,foreign chance,buying agents idea.
Threats:What if thulasi the only foreign source decides to quit?? and may by pass even??
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