Feb 1 st friday 2019

Worked in field;
Andhara hosiery
2. Vasavi jewellers
3. Took video of Nutty Delite
4. Sachdev sports;
5.cute collections.old man.
6.Bombay stores;
7.Anand Fancy collection.savaram.
8.Variety Dry fruits. Good guy:
9.paras toys.
10.Variety foot wear. Prince Agha Khan.
11.manjusports. kailashjain. Flex printing hope;
12.supriti ent
13. Met Mysha; no use;
14. Ramoji sent one payout;
15.Met Iyyengar Bakery guy saved his number;
Feb 2nd Saturday 2019

Jolts from 2 corners Ramesh Vzg for posting my sicial Media content and home i failed at both; Collected some Data from field sent whatsapp and they are reading it surprise 2 calls also recd;
Met one web hosting people details known;
Murali sent pictures;
Then followed by Rx; stomach trouble;
Rx guy Sudheer; Srini;
Trevor won again even fluke;
Setback Ramesh vzg
3rd feb sunday 2019

Attended Malakpet Mumbai Derby day murthy c.a stopped; Known book makers betting tax.
I must try turf clubs t ids there are lot of people;
Met prasad ( Eswaraiah) there;
New point is Star superior Derby win and Sir cecil in cloud; latest run in current turf;
Subba reddys friendship msg gtas bro impressed ; I lost temper at gm and gta;
4th feb Monday 2019

Muralis success saga continued; Mostly spent at home sending feedback to Murali;
At Instagram known to load 10 images to single post;
Murali collected Tiruchanoor caterers payout;
Srscientifics gave 5k; His enemies content helped;
Timber and caterers payouts failed;
I Met srikari foods known details; Panwalla;
Election stunts in Tv seen;
Gave few more references to murali;
Sent msgs plus whatsapp msgs sent data collected and retrieved;
Read many Temples history and posted some reviews on some tourist spots;
5th feb 2019 tuesday

Recharge for laptop did; Digged more of tpt google renewals; seen many links to murali ; posted reviews and loaded almost 100 photos; seen back all photos loaded so far from veduku id; peoples revuew pistings seen for ids;
Few more metrics known on instagram and started another campaign;
Bharath physio;
6th Feb wedday 2019;
camera centre added to his group with 155 members and thats new inspiration to check who have their groups;
created srscientifics; t id with my Jio number;
vetuku1 reviews checked; Sent few more enq to Murali;
few more reviews checked read:
call recd from ARM;
On enq for frame to have full page for idols;
Vzg travel related tention.
Boarded train without much headache reached vzg safe: Murali sent 3k again;
Setback; seat occupied;
7th feb thu Vizag; 2019;

Reached vzg and attended vineela pellikuturu function; met many people: took photos; Took Giri, Rohith, Sagar, cell numbers. Kishore introduction;
Stomach trouble; Cell charging trouble; Pen; cash trouble;
Bouncer from Bharath physio keep a posting for blog; Murali sent 1800 again:
8th feb 2019 friday

Vizag tourist spots visited; Mainly Beaches parks hill greenary: Inside of sub marine; Air craft etc; Pictures with family; Death news of Chinna Anna;
Got irritated;
9th feb saturday 2019;

Marriage day; just before reception had tiring meetups and discussion;
Ramesh met: Took many photos; closing was kumars epileptic episode;
10th feb sunday 2019

All is over people started going back send offs etc; Everything went well took good rest for the day;
Some kind of un easy;
11th feb monday 2019;
Reached home; Spent some time on trip analysis and updation of files; Sent few more references to Murali analysed his total performance so far ; some ph numbers added; called krishaiah;
Created vineela whatsapp group and added few of them; Unable to go to field;
Lot of meditation and planning need to be done on future: msg sent to Gta brother; Arguments this time again on ill health; Had chat with Prasads son;
Setback; no field work;
Arguments; prasad pressure;
12th feb Tuesday 2019;
Thanks my whatsapp initiative vinnis marriage is successful; Field work started again met Tailor he recognised me;

2.ladies Tailor; hope emeged;
3.Embroidery guy; no hope;
4.Suits guy other shop details known
5.Nice Bags shop seen card collected.
6.7.1 gram gold shops: no hope;
8. dry fruits shop hopeless fellow;
9.Tried Swasa;
10.suppling guy;
Days new strategy is meeting earliar calls again.
Insta Campaign std for nutty delite;
Called Nagavalli; Sha; Fishes yugandhar;
Hope from Srikara curries;
Very bad response from Murali;
My address and Murali address posted to Blog; Leg pains contd?
Called Nakshatra Tirupati.
Prahlada called;
Old friend SatyaNarayana met had Tea;
JanFeb 2019 Analysed;
Days set backs;
Dry fruits;
Arguments;on whatsapp;
Road blockade;
13th Feb 2019 wed day;
Attended park second day 2 whatsapp msges sent to family and my broadcast groups; Arguments continued back at home; vinnis group interaction cotd further but 3 ppl have left by night; Vijji gave response that is a surprise;
Most important thing of the day Sekhar bhais Tips to join Digital marketing groups; Kalyan sent jokes to group.

1.Called Bidri crafts sent him whats msg and he read it;
2.Murali sent money but with arguments;
3.Called Sudhakar pipes
4.Met Swasaa and its hopeful now read reviews.
5.Night did 3 calls gave leaflets.
6. Marvadi Bhajanalai met on ph;
Back @ home gta arranged computer Table.
Contact with pawan established;
Another important task managed fir the day is Soni International;
14th feb Thursday 2019
Velentine day wishes hungama throught day;
Gta akka continued and so Sagar vedeos ;
BATA shopping for Chappal did Socks; met dish guys with gta and enjoyed tv news;
Belt purchased;
Had Valentine lunch at Mehfil photo took
and shared it;

1.Morning 1 knowledgeble person in printing field met few things known from him:
2.Murali called and related disturbance (Annapoorna);
3.Body pains no Nurobion tablets;
4.New knowledge is we need to schedule whatsapp activity; read article on how to run successful whatsapp admin;
5.Reddeppa Naidu called;
6.Called swasa and sudhakarpipes email id took;
7.vening worked met one knowledgble pickles guy; Pan wala; birthday Ballons guy; A/C guy;
Night lost temper on relatives group removed icon added Ash;
15th feb friday 2019

Morning bit early to field; Arguments contd at home;
Problem emerged at home on adding friend to whatsapp group
1.Met Gayathri: seva samithi; to park took some pics;
2. Girl at Tailors shop leaflet given;
3.Met one frames guy new finishing;
4.Balaji dtp old guy; not impressive;
5. Balaji Curries ;
Some data nearby collected;
Murali sent one payout in the meanwhile;
Met Eswaraiah mama; gave him savories hope had from shop guy;
Evening met satish shavarma interviewd uber eats guys;
Entire evening went on soldiers emotion and finally candle lighting had response from family group;
6.Matam Boys
7.loaded some pics;
8. Review posted for one food joint and also sent whatsapp msg;
16th Feb satday 2019

20 data retrieval and fresh data also collected;
1.met luggage ang his complaint to become google certified photographer;
2.joshis pickles;
3.Oyalo pizza
4.srikari pickles.; monday;
5.met Kishore.noman.mani. suresh; subba Raio.My dress effect.
6.called tmr pickles.
7.pavan.murali kept in contact.
8.Advaikaa. eve;
9.one new printer met;
10.met tea guy.
Tea powder.Water.;
Throught the day whatsapp interactions continued; yoga mat purchased;
Smoke in evening;
Jan; Feb 2019 happenings analysed;
17th feb sunday 2019;

After fish shopping entire day spent for whatsapp chat and photo sharing with family;
Some one called as Madhvas;
18th feb monday

Morning dynamic is attending Meditation class; back pain?
Almost gained 200 plus points to google maps score;
Began tweeting for srscientifics used new table;
Did 5 field calls:
5.new cafe
Collected data saved and sent some msgs;
Murali is successful again sent 2 .4 k;
Whatsapp family chat continued to new heights;
Now i must plan for more boosters; Morning called Nrn but no hoper;
19th Feb 2019 Tuesday;

Removal of Ashwin from from group dint have any advese effect;
My doctor pain relief Oil purchased with new payment App phonepe and also used it for shravan shop also;
Met Kishore and had chat with his mum;
Stand for water purchased;
Met srikara curries had interaction with his unit; Edited whatsapp content; Piegeons story; Kalyans interaction were highlights of the day; Blog is also important for Social Media;
Contributed for gas;
Called Dudesh; Ramoji;
At family club Manohar and Sunandas wedding annivarsary celebrations and msgs saga continued;
Mumbai rx book purchased;
Palem leathers add in Eenadu seen; Neibours came back with Gundus:

Morning to park this time took pic of playing Dogs and sent to family and other groups; Later waited long time at srikhari foods took photos and posted them;
During the wait there sent 2017 renewals to Murali; Came back home and retired;
R R catering and S R scientifics posts checked;
Some kind of uneasy for productivity;
Kalyan sent Ok signal to Shirdi trip; Checked veduku email;
21st feb thursday 2019

Stomach upset and day is gone;
Worked on TikTok;
21st feb thustday 2018;

Eenadu press big ads collected;
Bang rx book purchaded;
No field calls;
@ gtoup Sunanda wedding day;
Tiktok knowledge deveped from home;
Srn called assured of vja stay but missed to save his sddress;
Asked others to join me in their groups;
To keep good content for future use; Tead Eenadu saamethalu;
22nd friday feb 2019;

Morning success story started with TikTok video at park;
Evening purchased leg pads and also promising call his name Sadiq later Sadiq called; Had chat Madhu;
Entire Sidhani family tree analysed;
Edited Whatsapp content further with the help of Gta met Lalasa Suresh took his ideas for translation;
Met standards chemicals chatta Bazaar axdress known;
Met Bidricrafts guy;times coverage details known
Another new point from Rx end forget useless jockeys Sandesh won on drbutant fav;
Savef lot of ph of g plus to mobile;
Response to msg from vibha;
Ph followup of Rukmini hopeful;
Subscribed to BBC by paying rs 20 by phone pay;
Kalyan called so Jaibc sainath;
Morning response had from accu guy;
Muralis failure due to friday sentiment;
Some msgs sent by wbatsapp; panksj kasturi;
Ghadi;mydoctor; whatsapp msg to Narsing cloth; msg sent to RKN;
Influencers in my list sent msg to Kishore;
Eenadu ad cost known;
Khuranas met;
Google is worth 520 billion;
Some g data retrieved:
Net knowledge is be Trustworthy;
Embrace unknown;
@Family dr Stujana wedding day news;
Voice of owner;
23rd feb 2019 satsay;

Attended park again;
Attended JaiBc met lot of new ppl known exposed to many group dynamics; surprise is iam removed as group admin for some groups;
I also retaliated and removed few;
Jaibc.com web site is ready;
Given Hindi; Urdu translation work; sunday hyd; mumbai rx books purchased;
Paper ads cutting work did at night;
Brushed Kalyan at night;
3risk takung decicions took today:;
Kal; jaibc; family;
Kishore request fetched;
24th Feb sunday 2019;
Reply from Rkn ;

One reply had for whatsapp msg;
Embrace unknown strategy took; 2 new Rayalaseema friends added to life info abt Anantapur;kurnool;
With youtuber developed Voice ad and circulated it; mey kishore;
Sudden head ache by night right cramps and insecurity;
25th feb monday 2019;

Leg pain continued;
Kalyan left from family;
25th feb monday 2019

Leg trouble ordered house visiting physio therapist he came and treated some solace had; kalyan left not to feel such things; google A
dwords activated quickly for 1 month budjet set now to see this intitiative; rx flash is back well performed mojnts as favrites;
While wait at home lot of gplus numbers saved;
26th Feb tuesday 2019

Seconday rest with leg trouble:
Known about twitter ad campaigns minimum 50 ad dollar budjet. Recd Hindi, Urdu translations only on followup;
Nice reply from gta akka; msg from gta chinna Anna; Ramoji non responsive continued;
Anjana kesari; Trilok assured to transfer amounts;
Continued to add g plus phones;
Sent few more references to pawan
No field work;
Airforce stike; i tweeted;
27th feb wed day 2019;

Lot of blazing activity for the day;
Continued g plus clients numbers saving work to mobile;
Hindi; Urdu papers scanned; watched T20 cricket Match;
Read lot of articles on relationships; Communication developed from gta Akka; gta chinna anna;
2 local tailors followup failed;
Sent few msgs to collected data;
Ultimatum msg sent to jana;
Leg pains releaved somewhat extent;
Gta brought some massaging oil;
28th feb thursady 2019

Another lacklustre day;
Managed to send 8 whatsapp msgs of Eenadu news paper;
Contacts kept with jana; Babai loaded 65 pictures to google of Arvind tpt;
Weakness still continued leg pain reduced;
Rx Invitation cup Books purchased seen once;
Disagreements Saga continued at home so depression;
Arranged Rice to home;
Called Durga kdp known few things:
Top Links of this Blog
Accupressure I Aadhesive Dealers I Aluminium Dealers I Ayurvedic Shops i
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I Instagram I Lights dealets Tirupati I Handicrafts i Hardware Shops I
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Top Builderas in Anantapur I Top Builders Kurnool I Top Builders in Nalgonda
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Worked in field;
Andhara hosiery
2. Vasavi jewellers
3. Took video of Nutty Delite
4. Sachdev sports;
5.cute collections.old man.
6.Bombay stores;
7.Anand Fancy collection.savaram.
8.Variety Dry fruits. Good guy:
9.paras toys.
10.Variety foot wear. Prince Agha Khan.
11.manjusports. kailashjain. Flex printing hope;
12.supriti ent
13. Met Mysha; no use;
14. Ramoji sent one payout;
15.Met Iyyengar Bakery guy saved his number;
Feb 2nd Saturday 2019

Jolts from 2 corners Ramesh Vzg for posting my sicial Media content and home i failed at both; Collected some Data from field sent whatsapp and they are reading it surprise 2 calls also recd;
Met one web hosting people details known;
Murali sent pictures;
Then followed by Rx; stomach trouble;
Rx guy Sudheer; Srini;
Trevor won again even fluke;
Setback Ramesh vzg
3rd feb sunday 2019

Attended Malakpet Mumbai Derby day murthy c.a stopped; Known book makers betting tax.
I must try turf clubs t ids there are lot of people;
Met prasad ( Eswaraiah) there;
New point is Star superior Derby win and Sir cecil in cloud; latest run in current turf;
Subba reddys friendship msg gtas bro impressed ; I lost temper at gm and gta;
4th feb Monday 2019

Muralis success saga continued; Mostly spent at home sending feedback to Murali;
At Instagram known to load 10 images to single post;
Murali collected Tiruchanoor caterers payout;
Srscientifics gave 5k; His enemies content helped;
Timber and caterers payouts failed;
I Met srikari foods known details; Panwalla;
Election stunts in Tv seen;
Gave few more references to murali;
Sent msgs plus whatsapp msgs sent data collected and retrieved;
Read many Temples history and posted some reviews on some tourist spots;
5th feb 2019 tuesday

Recharge for laptop did; Digged more of tpt google renewals; seen many links to murali ; posted reviews and loaded almost 100 photos; seen back all photos loaded so far from veduku id; peoples revuew pistings seen for ids;
Few more metrics known on instagram and started another campaign;
Bharath physio;
6th Feb wedday 2019;

camera centre added to his group with 155 members and thats new inspiration to check who have their groups;
created srscientifics; t id with my Jio number;
vetuku1 reviews checked; Sent few more enq to Murali;
few more reviews checked read:
call recd from ARM;
On enq for frame to have full page for idols;
Vzg travel related tention.
Boarded train without much headache reached vzg safe: Murali sent 3k again;
Setback; seat occupied;
7th feb thu Vizag; 2019;

Reached vzg and attended vineela pellikuturu function; met many people: took photos; Took Giri, Rohith, Sagar, cell numbers. Kishore introduction;
Stomach trouble; Cell charging trouble; Pen; cash trouble;
Bouncer from Bharath physio keep a posting for blog; Murali sent 1800 again:
8th feb 2019 friday

Vizag tourist spots visited; Mainly Beaches parks hill greenary: Inside of sub marine; Air craft etc; Pictures with family; Death news of Chinna Anna;
Got irritated;
9th feb saturday 2019;

Marriage day; just before reception had tiring meetups and discussion;
Ramesh met: Took many photos; closing was kumars epileptic episode;
10th feb sunday 2019

All is over people started going back send offs etc; Everything went well took good rest for the day;
Some kind of un easy;
11th feb monday 2019;

Created vineela whatsapp group and added few of them; Unable to go to field;
Lot of meditation and planning need to be done on future: msg sent to Gta brother; Arguments this time again on ill health; Had chat with Prasads son;
Setback; no field work;
Arguments; prasad pressure;
12th feb Tuesday 2019;
Thanks my whatsapp initiative vinnis marriage is successful; Field work started again met Tailor he recognised me;

2.ladies Tailor; hope emeged;
3.Embroidery guy; no hope;
4.Suits guy other shop details known
5.Nice Bags shop seen card collected.
6.7.1 gram gold shops: no hope;
8. dry fruits shop hopeless fellow;
9.Tried Swasa;
10.suppling guy;
Days new strategy is meeting earliar calls again.
Insta Campaign std for nutty delite;
Called Nagavalli; Sha; Fishes yugandhar;
Hope from Srikara curries;
Very bad response from Murali;
My address and Murali address posted to Blog; Leg pains contd?
Called Nakshatra Tirupati.
Prahlada called;
Old friend SatyaNarayana met had Tea;
JanFeb 2019 Analysed;
Days set backs;
Dry fruits;
Arguments;on whatsapp;
Road blockade;
13th Feb 2019 wed day;
Attended park second day 2 whatsapp msges sent to family and my broadcast groups; Arguments continued back at home; vinnis group interaction cotd further but 3 ppl have left by night; Vijji gave response that is a surprise;
Most important thing of the day Sekhar bhais Tips to join Digital marketing groups; Kalyan sent jokes to group.

1.Called Bidri crafts sent him whats msg and he read it;
2.Murali sent money but with arguments;
3.Called Sudhakar pipes
4.Met Swasaa and its hopeful now read reviews.
5.Night did 3 calls gave leaflets.
6. Marvadi Bhajanalai met on ph;
Back @ home gta arranged computer Table.
Contact with pawan established;
Another important task managed fir the day is Soni International;
14th feb Thursday 2019
Velentine day wishes hungama throught day;
Gta akka continued and so Sagar vedeos ;
BATA shopping for Chappal did Socks; met dish guys with gta and enjoyed tv news;
Belt purchased;
Had Valentine lunch at Mehfil photo took
and shared it;

1.Morning 1 knowledgeble person in printing field met few things known from him:
2.Murali called and related disturbance (Annapoorna);
3.Body pains no Nurobion tablets;
4.New knowledge is we need to schedule whatsapp activity; read article on how to run successful whatsapp admin;
5.Reddeppa Naidu called;
6.Called swasa and sudhakarpipes email id took;
7.vening worked met one knowledgble pickles guy; Pan wala; birthday Ballons guy; A/C guy;
Night lost temper on relatives group removed icon added Ash;
15th feb friday 2019

Morning bit early to field; Arguments contd at home;
Problem emerged at home on adding friend to whatsapp group
1.Met Gayathri: seva samithi; to park took some pics;
2. Girl at Tailors shop leaflet given;
3.Met one frames guy new finishing;
4.Balaji dtp old guy; not impressive;
5. Balaji Curries ;
Some data nearby collected;
Murali sent one payout in the meanwhile;
Met Eswaraiah mama; gave him savories hope had from shop guy;
Evening met satish shavarma interviewd uber eats guys;
Entire evening went on soldiers emotion and finally candle lighting had response from family group;
6.Matam Boys
7.loaded some pics;
8. Review posted for one food joint and also sent whatsapp msg;
16th Feb satday 2019

20 data retrieval and fresh data also collected;
1.met luggage ang his complaint to become google certified photographer;
2.joshis pickles;
3.Oyalo pizza
4.srikari pickles.; monday;
5.met Kishore.noman.mani. suresh; subba Raio.My dress effect.
6.called tmr pickles.
7.pavan.murali kept in contact.
8.Advaikaa. eve;
9.one new printer met;
10.met tea guy.
Tea powder.Water.;
Throught the day whatsapp interactions continued; yoga mat purchased;
Smoke in evening;
Jan; Feb 2019 happenings analysed;
17th feb sunday 2019;

After fish shopping entire day spent for whatsapp chat and photo sharing with family;
Some one called as Madhvas;
18th feb monday

Morning dynamic is attending Meditation class; back pain?
Almost gained 200 plus points to google maps score;
Began tweeting for srscientifics used new table;
Did 5 field calls:
5.new cafe
Collected data saved and sent some msgs;
Murali is successful again sent 2 .4 k;
Whatsapp family chat continued to new heights;
Now i must plan for more boosters; Morning called Nrn but no hoper;
19th Feb 2019 Tuesday;

Removal of Ashwin from from group dint have any advese effect;
My doctor pain relief Oil purchased with new payment App phonepe and also used it for shravan shop also;
Met Kishore and had chat with his mum;
Stand for water purchased;
Met srikara curries had interaction with his unit; Edited whatsapp content; Piegeons story; Kalyans interaction were highlights of the day; Blog is also important for Social Media;
Contributed for gas;
Called Dudesh; Ramoji;
At family club Manohar and Sunandas wedding annivarsary celebrations and msgs saga continued;
Mumbai rx book purchased;
Palem leathers add in Eenadu seen; Neibours came back with Gundus:

Morning to park this time took pic of playing Dogs and sent to family and other groups; Later waited long time at srikhari foods took photos and posted them;
During the wait there sent 2017 renewals to Murali; Came back home and retired;
R R catering and S R scientifics posts checked;
Some kind of uneasy for productivity;
Kalyan sent Ok signal to Shirdi trip; Checked veduku email;
21st feb thursday 2019

Stomach upset and day is gone;
Worked on TikTok;
21st feb thustday 2018;

Eenadu press big ads collected;
Bang rx book purchaded;
No field calls;
@ gtoup Sunanda wedding day;
Tiktok knowledge deveped from home;
Srn called assured of vja stay but missed to save his sddress;
Asked others to join me in their groups;
To keep good content for future use; Tead Eenadu saamethalu;
22nd friday feb 2019;

Morning success story started with TikTok video at park;
Evening purchased leg pads and also promising call his name Sadiq later Sadiq called; Had chat Madhu;
Entire Sidhani family tree analysed;
Edited Whatsapp content further with the help of Gta met Lalasa Suresh took his ideas for translation;
Met standards chemicals chatta Bazaar axdress known;
Met Bidricrafts guy;times coverage details known
Another new point from Rx end forget useless jockeys Sandesh won on drbutant fav;
Savef lot of ph of g plus to mobile;
Response to msg from vibha;
Ph followup of Rukmini hopeful;
Subscribed to BBC by paying rs 20 by phone pay;
Kalyan called so Jaibc sainath;
Morning response had from accu guy;
Muralis failure due to friday sentiment;
Some msgs sent by wbatsapp; panksj kasturi;
Ghadi;mydoctor; whatsapp msg to Narsing cloth; msg sent to RKN;
Influencers in my list sent msg to Kishore;
Eenadu ad cost known;
Khuranas met;
Google is worth 520 billion;
Some g data retrieved:
Net knowledge is be Trustworthy;
Embrace unknown;
@Family dr Stujana wedding day news;
Voice of owner;
23rd feb 2019 satsay;

Attended park again;
Attended JaiBc met lot of new ppl known exposed to many group dynamics; surprise is iam removed as group admin for some groups;
I also retaliated and removed few;
Jaibc.com web site is ready;
Given Hindi; Urdu translation work; sunday hyd; mumbai rx books purchased;
Paper ads cutting work did at night;
Brushed Kalyan at night;
3risk takung decicions took today:;
Kal; jaibc; family;
Kishore request fetched;
24th Feb sunday 2019;
Reply from Rkn ;

One reply had for whatsapp msg;
Embrace unknown strategy took; 2 new Rayalaseema friends added to life info abt Anantapur;kurnool;
With youtuber developed Voice ad and circulated it; mey kishore;
Sudden head ache by night right cramps and insecurity;
25th feb monday 2019;

Leg pain continued;
Kalyan left from family;
25th feb monday 2019

Leg trouble ordered house visiting physio therapist he came and treated some solace had; kalyan left not to feel such things; google A
While wait at home lot of gplus numbers saved;
26th Feb tuesday 2019

Seconday rest with leg trouble:
Known about twitter ad campaigns minimum 50 ad dollar budjet. Recd Hindi, Urdu translations only on followup;
Nice reply from gta akka; msg from gta chinna Anna; Ramoji non responsive continued;
Anjana kesari; Trilok assured to transfer amounts;
Continued to add g plus phones;
Sent few more references to pawan
No field work;
Airforce stike; i tweeted;
27th feb wed day 2019;

Lot of blazing activity for the day;
Continued g plus clients numbers saving work to mobile;
Hindi; Urdu papers scanned; watched T20 cricket Match;
Read lot of articles on relationships; Communication developed from gta Akka; gta chinna anna;
2 local tailors followup failed;
Sent few msgs to collected data;
Ultimatum msg sent to jana;
Leg pains releaved somewhat extent;
Gta brought some massaging oil;
28th feb thursady 2019

Another lacklustre day;
Managed to send 8 whatsapp msgs of Eenadu news paper;
Contacts kept with jana; Babai loaded 65 pictures to google of Arvind tpt;
Weakness still continued leg pain reduced;
Rx Invitation cup Books purchased seen once;
Disagreements Saga continued at home so depression;
Arranged Rice to home;
Called Durga kdp known few things:
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