31st july 2010
Most of the dailies scanned;Received Stock and money and supplied to aruna;health fuerther improved;One shock at rx had to be faced;butnew point of relationship had further emerged;cell phone disturbance continued; 3 new ids again adishwarestore;nanotelhotels;prajayengineers;seenaiah and giri reddys calls;Kmalakars youtube development;kajals fans have crossed 10k,
1 st august sundays post;
Srinis payment got cleared;most of the dailies scanned;no net day;call from jana;
Unexpected dental pain?;socks and leg pads used 4 tea time; due to late rx book one bet missed;change of blanket;not to go with alchohol to meet important people;attended ersonality development at city library;predator movie watched tv; failed to utylyse sunday fully;One more new jeans pant;heavy expenses unbearable;
in discussion with gandhi new point has emerged that is early bird offer;

Finally 5 k got from gopal fresh lease of life again need to go quick to finish bigger things;Market calls were nazeer and beauty parlour;2 tablets of cipro had;volini purchased;gave dress 4 pressing;pressure on shriya guy is increasing;body pains continued;had lunch at bliss of realtors;overnight suffered with insecurity;
Derby rx card seen at net;no income day;
11th july post;
Took long rest at home on sunday; then to syams shop there concluded the whole day; met sridhar reddy; had lunch and discussions of hyd visit;missed afternoon tablet;life so far analysed again;cash expenses are going again at faster rate;seen glittering idol at syams shop at night and new hope has emerged;

Day passed tgrough unplanned way totally started with tirumala visit with kamalakar and Movie magadheera and gopals interference and night head calls from some one. 1 hour inetrnet and posted pending entries;had lunch at tirumala;travel exposure seen;tweets maintained;withdrawn cash from bank;met mama and known things;felt tiredsome throught the day;kamalakar left suddenly;new classifieds news paper seen;insecurity due to no responce for t ids;evening tamanna movie seen at shop;
Most of the dailies scanned;Received Stock and money and supplied to aruna;health fuerther improved;One shock at rx had to be faced;butnew point of relationship had further emerged;cell phone disturbance continued; 3 new ids again adishwarestore;nanotelhotels;prajayengineers;seenaiah and giri reddys calls;Kmalakars youtube development;kajals fans have crossed 10k,
1 st august sundays post;
Srinis payment got cleared;most of the dailies scanned;no net day;call from jana;
Unexpected dental pain?;socks and leg pads used 4 tea time; due to late rx book one bet missed;change of blanket;not to go with alchohol to meet important people;attended ersonality development at city library;predator movie watched tv; failed to utylyse sunday fully;One more new jeans pant;heavy expenses unbearable;
in discussion with gandhi new point has emerged that is early bird offer;
29th july post
Evening surfing managed to post blkogs and tweets;morning pus hasstartedfromwound and gandhi came and we discussed about social media;rx book of friday onhand;ph tosuresh;cell phone started mis behaving again so had to change battery;Akkas
call pillow purchased,lungie,sachins cricket enjoyed; long walk to khairatabad; seenaiahs dinner;
30th july friday;
Mnaged to deliver idols tosrinivas; new hope of 1k gift; bleeding reduced;to rx but loss;new points confusion to a
avoid;idea how many retailersin ap??
call pillow purchased,lungie,sachins cricket enjoyed; long walk to khairatabad; seenaiahs dinner;
30th july friday;
Mnaged to deliver idols tosrinivas; new hope of 1k gift; bleeding reduced;to rx but loss;new points confusion to a
avoid;idea how many retailersin ap??
27th july post
Prepared new letter and started calls at market.gave one letter to jagdamba,another jeweller;met meena jewellers(quotation needed);tbj met and got visiting card;morning treid for diwakar travels and another traves;felt very much tired on walking;Suneetha,and akka have called;8 copies of xerox;managed to edit blog at morning;note book,socks,tablets purchased;dress was not appealing;kamalakar,n prabha called;
28th july post;
Expected idols dint reach as buses failed;had wait till evening to receive them;seenaiah met at morning;night had biryani;missed net;morning treid to do moori travels call but failed;mosambi juice and cocconut water had;akka cal;seen mysore book;got commitment from srinivas to deliver idols;
28th july post;
Expected idols dint reach as buses failed;had wait till evening to receive them;seenaiah met at morning;night had biryani;missed net;morning treid to do moori travels call but failed;mosambi juice and cocconut water had;akka cal;seen mysore book;got commitment from srinivas to deliver idols;
26th july post
mainly iam able to walk without weakness;few quick developments 4 the day; Met sekhar brother and took his cell number; with help of Kiran quickly designed visiting cards;quick response from kamalakar with calls;quick suply hope of idols;sent dress for washing;visited malakpet rx and this time new point is style of running ;seen untraceble movie at tv;
july 22nd
july 22nd;
took 7 number frame to lady Aruna s office and displayed there;blog posted;had lunch at chutneys hotel;Gandhis call;wash managed;seen sitara mag and managed tweets;
23 rd july:
Took total bed rest for whole day as pain and weakness continued;syam managed to get cash from realtor;
24 th july;
Had blood sugar levels checked and found ok: also had physio theraphy felt much releief after it; now doubt is cleared about sugar levels but doasge adjustment of insulin need to be set?
treatment seems responding;2nd day total rest.night syam left for tirupati after giving some cash.
25th july;sunday;
3rd day bed rest continued; Badam lodge vacated and took new one;1 full tablet of diabetrol was too much insulin effect(increased hunger levels) is known; to khairatabad Rx area took red paper; net postings managed;hungry levels were unable to control; 1 pair of dress purchased;messaged jana; one mail from from artjini for t id replied them; seen King and titanic movies on TV;had fried fish and Bread Omlet had nice sleep;
took 7 number frame to lady Aruna s office and displayed there;blog posted;had lunch at chutneys hotel;Gandhis call;wash managed;seen sitara mag and managed tweets;
23 rd july:
Took total bed rest for whole day as pain and weakness continued;syam managed to get cash from realtor;
24 th july;
Had blood sugar levels checked and found ok: also had physio theraphy felt much releief after it; now doubt is cleared about sugar levels but doasge adjustment of insulin need to be set?
treatment seems responding;2nd day total rest.night syam left for tirupati after giving some cash.
25th july;sunday;
3rd day bed rest continued; Badam lodge vacated and took new one;1 full tablet of diabetrol was too much insulin effect(increased hunger levels) is known; to khairatabad Rx area took red paper; net postings managed;hungry levels were unable to control; 1 pair of dress purchased;messaged jana; one mail from from artjini for t id replied them; seen King and titanic movies on TV;had fried fish and Bread Omlet had nice sleep;
21st july post
Suffered with healthe problem;new thing added 4 the day is infomedia yellow pages;meenajewellers;twitter mailer print took;one pharma company at banjara hills attaended;prabhakar call and suresh call;
20th july post
New area exposure at saidabad mahalaxmi colony gave display to srinivas and assurance had from him;Evening gave display at banjarahills hope again there;identified hyderbad 30 twitter ids printouts took;managed blogs and tweets;w soap;
19th july post
By evening sriven came and gave nice guidance(forget about pharma dealers and concentrate on those who have strong dealer network; and few references.hyd base pharma companies 500.N.prabhakar also came;and gandhi;3 new ids omegahospitals,drsayanis,shopatdoor;tweets and blogs posted;p v rao 916117889;
janas call; sold 2 at ntpc;bad dream syams support;darshanam detailing by syam;
janas call; sold 2 at ntpc;bad dream syams support;darshanam detailing by syam;
16th july post
After a streneous bus journey reached hyd safely and pickedup by syam;hotel badami local news papers read;one sales call to liptons;cell ph repair had;syams supplied idols;purchased scissors;niranjans calls continued;managed to post blogs and 3 new ids;kaveribus;diwakarbus;cachefurnitures;treid to activate press guys at nellore; called ababu at x roads and also kiran; called gandhi;
17th july post; saturday;
Day 2 at hyd no sleep but continued calls with rains disturbance and pressure; 1 st call tried reddylabs followed by aurobindo labs followed by gift galaxy guy assurance got from him;met syams relation realtor at mehdipatnam; morning rx book got from x roads;
tried 4 n prabhakar.no net;found that happyhome closed ac guards office and also real estates biz very dull;
18th july sundays post;
lof of exposure of the city;recharged rx with malakpet and musheerabad with surprising new developments;satyanarayana and sankar met;1 new shirt purchased;almost all local dailies read;bus passes info noted;had hair cut and color;money on hand further gone down and syams pressure further added;crystal bar exposure;syam missed 4 most par of the day;
17th july post; saturday;
Day 2 at hyd no sleep but continued calls with rains disturbance and pressure; 1 st call tried reddylabs followed by aurobindo labs followed by gift galaxy guy assurance got from him;met syams relation realtor at mehdipatnam; morning rx book got from x roads;
tried 4 n prabhakar.no net;found that happyhome closed ac guards office and also real estates biz very dull;
18th july sundays post;
lof of exposure of the city;recharged rx with malakpet and musheerabad with surprising new developments;satyanarayana and sankar met;1 new shirt purchased;almost all local dailies read;bus passes info noted;had hair cut and color;money on hand further gone down and syams pressure further added;crystal bar exposure;syam missed 4 most par of the day;
FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2010
15 th july
trip to hyd confirmed by syam;drop by 3 people at station;rs 600/- from mama;heavy discomfort at bus travel;prabhakarans non response;carried mat lamination to hyd;
14 th july post
Mostly spent with kamalakar and chengaiah;got one listing at market;one enquiry from fortune kences;overdose;
12 th and 13 th july episode
Evening jana met at syam shop and discussed lot of things;no income day 3;2 h net;good replys to kajal;messenger head ache;more time at syams shop;knee cap purchased;R &D of hyderabad pharma companies at google did;board of drreddys seen;
13 th post;
Moring felt heavy discomfort unable to sit;one market call did;kamalakar met and day is all over with him;i can sell idols at nellore;
13 th post;
Moring felt heavy discomfort unable to sit;one market call did;kamalakar met and day is all over with him;i can sell idols at nellore;
10th july post

Finally 5 k got from gopal fresh lease of life again need to go quick to finish bigger things;Market calls were nazeer and beauty parlour;2 tablets of cipro had;volini purchased;gave dress 4 pressing;pressure on shriya guy is increasing;body pains continued;had lunch at bliss of realtors;overnight suffered with insecurity;
Derby rx card seen at net;no income day;
11th july post;
Took long rest at home on sunday; then to syams shop there concluded the whole day; met sridhar reddy; had lunch and discussions of hyd visit;missed afternoon tablet;life so far analysed again;cash expenses are going again at faster rate;seen glittering idol at syams shop at night and new hope has emerged;
9th july
Morning syam came back from bangalore;heavy pains ; not much of encouragement from twitter and tweets;met mahaveer jewellers cars guy; met usha;call from nazeer travels;met vali got commitment;slept early; had very bad night disturbance;
6 july post
From a very depressive state to a quick 3 entry success story with 900/-.few needy things purchased.more tweets sent 4 the day; also read old blogs;2 more ids also 2 fold;sudden rain at night and food problem;blog template changed;call from orchestra;neibour lady took eenadu;seen old pocket diary of hyderabad contacts known;
july 7th post;
Morning 10 calls at filed coulnt fetch any thing;met t claasifieds people;no net day;my team urugay failed;met chengaiah;
8th july;
morning orchestra guy met;met jana;seen details of adsense check;
8 th july post
Rs 500 from market;spent lot of time with jana;tweets managed;veh got repaired;blog posted.adsence payment told to gopal;
july 7th post;
Morning 10 calls at filed coulnt fetch any thing;met t claasifieds people;no net day;my team urugay failed;met chengaiah;
8th july;
morning orchestra guy met;met jana;seen details of adsense check;
8 th july post
Rs 500 from market;spent lot of time with jana;tweets managed;veh got repaired;blog posted.adsence payment told to gopal;
5th june
bundh day total plans got hayware; someones comment at twitter; surpirse call and offer from kamalakar;followup made it of muppuri;syams offer to go hyd;ph to jana and syam;wash powder;blog posted;
4 th july sunday post

Day passed tgrough unplanned way totally started with tirumala visit with kamalakar and Movie magadheera and gopals interference and night head calls from some one. 1 hour inetrnet and posted pending entries;had lunch at tirumala;travel exposure seen;tweets maintained;withdrawn cash from bank;met mama and known things;felt tiredsome throught the day;kamalakar left suddenly;new classifieds news paper seen;insecurity due to no responce for t ids;evening tamanna movie seen at shop;
2 nd july 3 rd july posts
Morning work got saipooja hotel and mruthi electricaks entries;mam was busy at syams shop with TV.khaza jewellery 1989;
3rd post;
fight:no filed work no net; changaiah;night to movie;
3rd post;
fight:no filed work no net; changaiah;night to movie;
1 july post
syam left to bang and kamalakars missing;no money 3 rd day;work continued at field met live insyle yezdan;scooter problem again;met jana and known google maps;pics of kajal changed;mom left to rajampet;followers continued;rs 100/- petrol;major work to be completed in orning itself; 2 new ids choicedecors;ibibogroup;
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