31 march 2010
in the morning R&D new site for 30 urls ud.com known.Today even dicided not to go to field work due to lot of net pending works.Again cash on hand levels have touched warning signals.I need a real break through badly.Twitter had new home page.further twitter trimming work continued.blog posted.1 hour Future and past plannings continued.Seen one video and i need to be a programmer now.and learn c++.
Checked divotees list: and found this address: also reserved.
Geethalaya Exports Mr. Santhosh Varma
12, M.G.R Nagar varma@geethalaya.com
P.N Road
Tirupur 641 602 India Managing Director
Mr. U.R Murugasamy
Tel : + 91 - 421- 2471454 murugasamy@geethalaya.com
+91 - 421- 2471455
Fax : + 91 - 421- 2472662
E-mail : info@geethalaya.com
another one :deltapapermills.com
seen rx book:
what i have been doing for living:
1.web classifieds
2.idols selling
4.twitter promos.
8.team making.
9.real estates
march 30 th post

Surprice of the morning is gopal gave dd of rs 1,34 000/- to be deposited in my account done it.Another upsetting surprise of the day is Univercell is is suspended but later i challenged the suspention through a email link to watch as what will happen now.No field work again.facebook id created its avery long process.
Important development of the day is scooter repair work done now scooter is ok.
Again lost coolness with Mother at home.New kerchiefs and comfort of white shirt noted.Trimmed down tritter followups and seen who followeed whom at twitter.Called jana.Syams sons signature issue.Relince cafe account activated gain.One call received for ananda nilayam.
I need a real breakthrough now.My blog seems to gaining prominance now.heavy sweating thoughout the day suffered.No income for the day.google has so many twitter ids.
29th march post

Morning lot of planning did at sit ups time.After attending syams shop finally decided to go to puttur but drifted plan and went to Renigunta as monday most of them were busy so again took bus to srikalahasti.Covered 2 offices there and collected some data.There seems to be lot of poetencility for realtors everywhere.
coming back to renigunta was standing.Read changed name luck story of placeville stunning.Posted blog and some r&d continued on twitter.Kdslayers blog was also boring today surprisingly. Very un stisfied day today income for the day is also insufficient.
28th march post

Major R&D of the day is seen twitter ids of top 500 sites of alexa most of them have more followers less people they have followed.latest strategy posted at net.Morning met Sridhar of Bhimas and lot of exchange from him.Mamas guidance of showing some care and post their entry already and go to them.Trimmed twitter again.gkoptical id.ehumanlife is new story.Known the real culprit.tablets and wash managed.Indibloggers t shirts effect for the day.Thaulasi email received.
27th march post srivari villas

Had site visit of srivari villas by scooter.twitter followers trimmed at sridevi complex web cafe.blog posted and print took.date of births of famous web portals took from whois.sc.unable to help Syam out of his problem. twitter my own followers analysis did.took back press card from K and torn it.Called jana,niranjan.Night drinks with Chengaiah.1000 years rouigh analysis.how to quicken now.paid dhobi.Nelloretimes is much older than indiblogger.Tweet reply from sorav.twitter in plain english and blogger in plain english vedeos read.Called sekahar bhai through cell phone.site supervisor(Rajesh: 91605-45408) met at srivari villas.ndtv coverage seen at youtube vedeos.Satish babu is owner at who is for univercell.Bottu is male Abharan.No field work again for 3rd day.Rx book and janas call.
Next strategy!!! as per mama strategy feed already and make them know about it.wait for rx at good odds.try to get contract(quicken) for landmark twitter ids,try to reserve blogger,facebook,twitter together.(try for official blogger or tweeter)continue document writers,give ads.continue emailing.use knowledge of vedeos of youtube on social networking. get signatures after posting.Grab capture.who can help.
26 th march post

Organised so many things for the day but unable to do single market call even for the second day thats annoying.one blank ink pen got at ttd park.first drinking water arranged at home so main tention is reduced.Voveran sr tablets purchased(manju guy).hemdevs.com clients list print took.Date of next indiblogger meet taken.Lot of information through news papers for the day mf hussians art value,hackers penalty,Vijay mallyas donation news,Vidya balans for sleep disorders to report about misleading ads to asci@vsnl.com. Facebook famous in UK.Turmeric farmers information.Handwriting samples posted at blog this is another major issue.
Morning took jana to birds hospital noted donors addresses there this is a new turn one joe followed. given him banner work of srivari villas.there seems to divotees of lord balaji every where in india and also abroad.seen lot of people there so health care industry witll flourish.Vasu phto frame seen.ph: 0877-2220558.Govardhan janas brother.Read some bloggers of indibloggers meet.Further trimmed twitter followed people.Lot of time spent for net today.
Started using vedeos knowledge: sekharbhai,Munawwer,Kharans jewels tried.repeated calls from Chekrie hotel so posted their entry again on top.Rx book purchased.Russian girls met at syams shop and lot chat with them.
Nice vedeos on social networking watched at relaince.(to show interest,help them get out of their problem,listen emtions,invite them).times ad for only 220/- ph; 044-43542222.
Night unexpected turn at kamalakar expected fear has happend finally.
Lof of analysis did at home on social networking.Aswin can material for team.Facebook,blogger,and twitter together to reserve idea???
airtels ad in english news papers;cripumps missed.
TOP 25 people:
1.syam,2.surendra,3.ashwin.4.jana.5.eenadu,6.blogger.7.veduku.8.nelloretimes.9.twitter.10.byke.11.mama,12.rx 13.jana,14.kiran,15.gandhi,16.domnic,17.thulasi,18.niranjan,19.paul.
25 th march post

Ask and get from no to fullness is new strategy now.seen nice vedeo of justin biber and that 10 old girls song.Mama gone back so quickly vacated from naguluri lodge Nagur and old Ramesh wishing gave inspiration.
Many emails sent to email ids collected from bizlist.Morning managed wash at home.Unexpectedly 2 hours net at sridevi complex signatures of friends scans posted at blog.took all blog prints.some inspirational vedeos seen at youtube.2 more interesting ids pridehotel,sreejewellers reserved.
Quite unexpectedly promo deal of Srivari homes with help of Niranjan closed by evening.Now i must accelerate progress.No field calls for the day?Syams temple strategy.Tried for rx book but failed.Hickup with kamals attitude again.Prabhakarans Gem stones seen.Called Univercell V.P.Twitter followers trimmed deleted few followers.Few more colorful idols seen at Syams shop.Suffered with dress.summer wear needed badly.phone discussion with Giri and giris cell at tirupati:80081- 83555 their apartment also seen.
24 th march post

Mostly spent at Syams shop as festival.Yet another falure to plan for the future events.celibrated Srirama navami day with pooja and prasadams.read back entire blog from jan 1 st.Read all emails of Bliss.Unexpectedly had to pay Subra rs 200/-.
Sudden hope of niranajans for Bollineni and another new idea of covering entire state of document writers is new hope again.Heat has futher progressed but inside room of syams shop was bit cool.
Activated reliance web account but unable to tweet from there.Evening Rx boob purchased and called Rx jana and updated with rc knowledge.news of Kumars daughters marriage but syam failed to attend.morning given signs to global park for scanning after a long time.Another social media site seen from net of chennai people.Blog prints took from signin.Someone called and aprciated for blog postings of tirupati.Started to get lot of SMS for the day.afternoon food was not good.Expenses were heavy fro the day!
Yet again seen Avatar movie the second half only this time but heat was unberable.dress problem further triggered.
23 rd march post
Night sleep unexpectedly disturbed by mama as a result total days work effected.despite this
Morning had to sleep at rtc dormitory due to lack of sleep.seen indiatoday telugu vertion there and after evening i purchased it.
i have managed funds for the day with Chandragiri visit.there one booking had with photo listing.helped rs 50/- to mama moms objection noted.
After meeting Kmalakar in the morning bouncers continued with his useless discussions such as Carla bruni&and his continued trials as translation work of his inherited property.
As reliance account was not expired total amount utilised for the day.with 2 new ids:ambicaempire;Hemdevs:)(naiglobals twitter gadjet on their web site).
Rewies of indibloggers seen added few blogs and twitter ids.importance of attending that meeting noted.
gave Bizlist directory and times newspaer to Syam.attended syams office twice.
subscribed to indiblogger.trimmed further twitter follwed list.Unable to manage time by night but managed movie till intervel avatar.
Ankama raos call for spell check.took document writers prints from signinn.
web guy met at syams office and said he is ready to edit Munawwers papge is welcome sign.
lot of new wrods by reading blogs and reviews of indiblogger.
abused mama and went to sleep outside.
few more things of the day include:
Lot of r&d did on indibloggers meet added few friends from blog and twitter.reply sarav got.Sucess at chandragiri.blog posted.
hemdev.som a realtor from chennai(reserved it seems to having huge clients.
Lot of coverage of indibloggers meet read.ambicaempire also reserved looks to be very promising.
Morning had to sleep at rtc dormitory due to lack of sleep.seen indiatoday telugu vertion there and after evening i purchased it.
i have managed funds for the day with Chandragiri visit.there one booking had with photo listing.helped rs 50/- to mama moms objection noted.
After meeting Kmalakar in the morning bouncers continued with his useless discussions such as Carla bruni&and his continued trials as translation work of his inherited property.
As reliance account was not expired total amount utilised for the day.with 2 new ids:ambicaempire;Hemdevs:)(naiglobals twitter gadjet on their web site).
Rewies of indibloggers seen added few blogs and twitter ids.importance of attending that meeting noted.
gave Bizlist directory and times newspaer to Syam.attended syams office twice.
subscribed to indiblogger.trimmed further twitter follwed list.Unable to manage time by night but managed movie till intervel avatar.
Ankama raos call for spell check.took document writers prints from signinn.
web guy met at syams office and said he is ready to edit Munawwers papge is welcome sign.
lot of new wrods by reading blogs and reviews of indiblogger.
abused mama and went to sleep outside.
few more things of the day include:
Lot of r&d did on indibloggers meet added few friends from blog and twitter.reply sarav got.Sucess at chandragiri.blog posted.
hemdev.som a realtor from chennai(reserved it seems to having huge clients.
Lot of coverage of indibloggers meet read.ambicaempire also reserved looks to be very promising.
22nd march post
Very boring return journey from chennai to tirupati on a different route.met coxandkings people.Must build up a team on call.Mama s menace at home had to be faced.Unable to understand the responce of neibours.
2 new places exposed at chennai again.85 new email ids collected from biz list directory.indiaworld magazine purchased and skimmed through it.mala bhargava article read.Trips advantages analysed during the trvael.Calls from Surendra,Ashwin.VFS 2 offices exposure.managed to post blogs and tweets from laptop.Lunch at andhra hotel.
Over active childrens play at Bus.bujjodu,Chengaiah.
2 new places exposed at chennai again.85 new email ids collected from biz list directory.indiaworld magazine purchased and skimmed through it.mala bhargava article read.Trips advantages analysed during the trvael.Calls from Surendra,Ashwin.VFS 2 offices exposure.managed to post blogs and tweets from laptop.Lunch at andhra hotel.
Over active childrens play at Bus.bujjodu,Chengaiah.
21st march sunday post
To rx and found new point not fate but performance and to catch most trusted jodies (owner and j and trainer.Kamalakars letter prepared annai xerox economical.posted 2 days blogs.read 3 news papers.telugu blogger covered yesterdays event.usstream.
victory needed.on rx travel abuse of k.visited very crowded ranganatahn street.
victory needed.on rx travel abuse of k.visited very crowded ranganatahn street.
19th march and 20 th march
I Met one friendly blogger at meeting he was very friendly
Travelled back from nellore to tirupati by morning bus.Unable to implemnt my own plans for the day.long pending dress took from dhobi.fired chengaih for his comments.again travelled to chennai with kamalakar on tempo traveller and travel was very risky and on the travel seen Tamil movie.
morning met Syam.Surendra call and new ideas for rental web site.deposited amount in bank so risk reduced.visiting card given to sri durga lodge owner at chennai.planned to activate old contacts at chennai again to watch the progress.
20 th saturday march post;indibloggers meeting!
Afetr Kamalakars rejection of files at SOTC major developments happended to me in this day.participated indibloggers meet and expressions of many bloggers watched the sentiments and confidence of people analysed.It was a very large gathering for bloggers in india perhaps.30 seconds introduction ice breaking session was quite nice.i also exposed to univercell management and indibloggers team.ashwin met told few latest things happening there.issued fresh press card to kamalakar.met vp of univercell new hope developed again.i commented on many wallpapers and also took twitter ids of few people.enjoyed the meet.It was so much of fun.

new friends sataya |sorav | sucky |shilpa |Deepa |preethika Sonia |
calls from saveer,further deleted few more cell numbers from cell.
onthe whole enjoyed the day!
18th march post
from chennai to nellore quite unexpectedly:boring journey 4 hours:almost activated 25 contacts by over phone:SMS calculations by Bhawar.Azeez new menace.bhawars follow up.syams and chengaiah calls. met seenaiah.
while coming back from chennai: chennaigateway:dress problem further enhanced:met inr:called giri reddy seenaiah support noted.
left kamalakar:had lunch at hotel:new pen and refil purchased:inr met:cell charging at seenaiah place:to reg office earliar contacts helped:
suffered with bad drinks at chennai:
people called:
2.syam mama
5.bramha reddy
6.dtp satish
8.rx jana
10.jana new
16.giridhar vinjamur
18.lic sudha
21.ajay dw
Chat with gandhi at eve:Live:
mohan gandhi: i hae a couple of lakhs and 2 lakhs insurance paid, and one lakh in investments like shares and all and aroun 25 to 30 000 a month average iam earning ramana
mohan gandhi: great goals r ok but practically we could not earn big amounts, so, now iam concentrating on what iam doing and decided not to invest in new ventures and lose them, instead i will be selling my own brands these are the new year decisions raana what about u
mohan gandhi: onlything is that now i have the direct capacity to get around 10 to 20 lakhs ofamount if needed, such real circle social network in ur words, i build ramana her at Hyd
mohan gandhi: tht is true he is expecting me to go to him and waste my very valuable time. jus now i sold 2 noni bottles making a profit of 950 rupees and two people again made a call asking for the same so another 900 i will lose now if i go for that cheating raskal
mohan gandhi: otherwise i cant bear that rogue
mohan gandhi: no, ramana long back he is dropped from my lsit and iam not making any calls to him and only he is making calls ramana
mohan gandhi: cheting satyam has a very bad reputatioin in saakshi paper. recently i visited saakshi and 3 people in the offie told he is a collection master in the town by sahing he is from saakshi collecting funds in the public raman
while coming back from chennai: chennaigateway:dress problem further enhanced:met inr:called giri reddy seenaiah support noted.
left kamalakar:had lunch at hotel:new pen and refil purchased:inr met:cell charging at seenaiah place:to reg office earliar contacts helped:
suffered with bad drinks at chennai:
people called:
2.syam mama
5.bramha reddy
6.dtp satish
8.rx jana
10.jana new
16.giridhar vinjamur
18.lic sudha
21.ajay dw
Chat with gandhi at eve:Live:
mohan gandhi: i hae a couple of lakhs and 2 lakhs insurance paid, and one lakh in investments like shares and all and aroun 25 to 30 000 a month average iam earning ramana
mohan gandhi: great goals r ok but practically we could not earn big amounts, so, now iam concentrating on what iam doing and decided not to invest in new ventures and lose them, instead i will be selling my own brands these are the new year decisions raana what about u
mohan gandhi: onlything is that now i have the direct capacity to get around 10 to 20 lakhs ofamount if needed, such real circle social network in ur words, i build ramana her at Hyd
mohan gandhi: tht is true he is expecting me to go to him and waste my very valuable time. jus now i sold 2 noni bottles making a profit of 950 rupees and two people again made a call asking for the same so another 900 i will lose now if i go for that cheating raskal
mohan gandhi: otherwise i cant bear that rogue
mohan gandhi: no, ramana long back he is dropped from my lsit and iam not making any calls to him and only he is making calls ramana
mohan gandhi: cheting satyam has a very bad reputatioin in saakshi paper. recently i visited saakshi and 3 people in the offie told he is a collection master in the town by sahing he is from saakshi collecting funds in the public raman
As usual morning 1 hour workout at ttd ad buildings later joined kamalakar he asked join him to visa proces work to chennai so the total planning got changed.dhobis was missing.boarded bus to chennai during travel in bus echanged lot of plesantaries with kamal.his laptop exposure got.seen some posting of vilekhari.
After reaching chennai called narsimha he dint respond purchased rx book.went to Sotc office submitted papers lot information collected of trip came back to lodge and relaxed.seen bizlist yellow pages directory collected some ids.
Marenkate id retrieved barrack obamas book Syams call and chengaiah missed call at late night dint tell about my travel to chennai may cause some headache need to be taken care.
night sleep disturbed due to over cool.can we sell art in europe??Syams surats visit plan??
this is my first post from a laptop!
After reaching chennai called narsimha he dint respond purchased rx book.went to Sotc office submitted papers lot information collected of trip came back to lodge and relaxed.seen bizlist yellow pages directory collected some ids.
Marenkate id retrieved barrack obamas book Syams call and chengaiah missed call at late night dint tell about my travel to chennai may cause some headache need to be taken care.
night sleep disturbed due to over cool.can we sell art in europe??Syams surats visit plan??
this is my first post from a laptop!
16th march tuesday!
Spent some time at Syams shop.met Prabhakaran.sseen blog postings from veduku.met kamalakar.income of march 14 700/- till now.
2 files purchased.5 new ids again:themismedicare:pfizerindia;ZAKILFS:kesinenitravels;laasamindia,
song of awesome info,7 news papers,one adverticement in vaartha news paper,facebooks branch at hyderabad for india,25 years of internet news coverage,blog posted,76 day from 2010,irritating looks at reliance cafe,felt chain on lap,some content at my blog is very interesting and need to post nice pics,italian language of Avatar movie:i must upgrade to vedeo presentations,twitter and facebooks blogs to read:i must improve skills on content development:watch links on twitter:to email the known contacts known why thulasi has purchased again due to emailing her;kumars daughters marriage news:
next strategy decided as: small places document writers:with team and with ads support:try twitter ids.
Failed again as to calculate festivals and future events.dhobi was not avaialble.kajalagarwal ids also with me.
2 files purchased.5 new ids again:themismedicare:pfizerindia;ZAKILFS:kesinenitravels;laasamindia,
song of awesome info,7 news papers,one adverticement in vaartha news paper,facebooks branch at hyderabad for india,25 years of internet news coverage,blog posted,76 day from 2010,irritating looks at reliance cafe,felt chain on lap,some content at my blog is very interesting and need to post nice pics,italian language of Avatar movie:i must upgrade to vedeo presentations,twitter and facebooks blogs to read:i must improve skills on content development:watch links on twitter:to email the known contacts known why thulasi has purchased again due to emailing her;kumars daughters marriage news:
next strategy decided as: small places document writers:with team and with ads support:try twitter ids.
Failed again as to calculate festivals and future events.dhobi was not avaialble.kajalagarwal ids also with me.
13 th,14 th 15 th march posts!

At last relief got after supply of idols to thulasi and total payments got.further closeness with Thulasis husband and pressed him for more sales.Panic and confusion released after thulasi calling back to meet them at home.Strong attachment their baby girl to her had seen.Expences were un controlable managed 2 people and it was very late night to reach back to lodge.Exposure of travelling late night on train and auto travel from central to Tambaram.Heavy rush at rly station and lot of standing noted despite planning.I was uneasy whole day.Team effort was good.Now its very good sail back again in life i must quicken from now.Naresh help was fuether good.Unrest of Syams expectation.yet poor planning of the day.
Web guys call menace.Need to plan again selling of idols at Chennai and try for twitter promos.
Manged to post blog in the afternoon rest and took printout.Cafe girl was caughing heavily.More details about chengaiah known during the travel.fullest potenciality of team couldnt be utilysed.purchased Swati weekly.HP web site seen.their twitter id also known.during the travel energy levels failed.called rx jana and his sons us travel info known.
14 march post:
sunday quickly calculated settled naresh and Syams money helped naresh to board train. Expenses were unbearable money was going out of hands so quickly.Wanted to activate rx team at chennai again as chance came to stay in chennai.called narsimha he called back gain.during the travel to guindy missed one accident luckly indiblogger guy called and his interest known.long wait at shop.met few people at mrc.by 7 pm boarded bus again reached back tirupati by 10.30 night.had to open lock.couldnt eat biriyani packed this is another loss for the day.pressure at wine shop to close faster as it was already late.Overall Chennai trip is successful with lof of interestinng things.But carring weight problems suffered with related stain again.at bus ladies head ache had to be faced.
met shesha reddy,srinivasul reddy janardhan(who could catch good winner at 5's.one book maker visiting card given to him.
15th march post:
Morning felt very much tired.Met Syams mama and gave back laminations.pressure had to faced for something to them.money is still going out of hands very faster totally unable to control with lot of unexpected expenses.
i need to find quick solution.relased silver chain from marvadi shop.given byke for seat repair.Prabhakaran has shown lot of interest.discussion with prabhakaran and chengaiah and bourough id twitter enquiry.had lunch with them averted unnessisary session.this is how the time is running out.activated reliance with rs 100/- net again after a long break.avatar youtube movies seen and got exposed to english slang.blog posted.google earth seen at cafe.reson behind ramojis upset was known.Raghunath reddy met again.what really people expect was known by mama.
calloxi,stopiles reserved.edited some earliar blog postings.kamalkar was seen again.attended Munawwers call and new server seen.
flash of eenadus add script developed.
10th march post
Surpricingly 3 calls from thlasi:No field work due to thulasi enq:Morning vaartha special iisue book took.No income for the day.SBI savings bank a/c activated again with rs 500/-.Afternoon at sridevi complex poor system got and irrtated with its poor pepormanse.
Freedomrewards site to be seen.
new hope again with rotaors idols of Subra.Stomach pains??.No responce after calling thulasi 2 times.
Kolcata realtors failure and another syams relatives remarks.Some one lady was seen at Syams shop.fan base knowledge.swetha basu has some fan base.
parak bahu park(mama) story and joke and thothorathu...dama dhama...on ther whole enjoyed the day !
i sang abt Ghatothkaja!
11 th march post:
decided to go Chennai with 4 idols syams and Subra help and mama's help Internets help,drivers help my initiation,passengers help.reached chennai after insecurity finnally met thulasi(afetr 10 years of waiting)we had chated for 10 years but never met personally so tention is releived now, and delivered but hickup of lower voltage noted.Google maps help.missed lunch.carriying 4 idols idols was tiresome due to waeight.
At last met thulai seen herdaughter expressed (kamsheka) "WAW" after watching the lord idol...auto guys lootmaarof my ignorense noted and no nice treatment by thulasis home i expected minimum greetings etc!. on return Sharing auto guys help was very useful.2 times.New order from thulasi confirmed.Some how came back to tpt early morning 3 pm.
Chengaiahs call.Symas problem with Loka and Old partner.padmakars recommendation.
exposure to thulasis husband and her daughter.
Syams mamas help.syams expectation??.
12 th march post:
3 baba idols purchased.5 maxine step down converters purchased(naresh help).chengaiahs and nareshs commitments got to travel to chennai.called thulasi.neibours request of home.1 idol got from Subra.paid 1k to syam and 1 k to naresh.Again to venkatesh B.Found problem of yesterdays display at thulasi.hick up at sai baba idols purchase.Thulasis travel seems to be extended.
Freedomrewards site to be seen.
new hope again with rotaors idols of Subra.Stomach pains??.No responce after calling thulasi 2 times.
Kolcata realtors failure and another syams relatives remarks.Some one lady was seen at Syams shop.fan base knowledge.swetha basu has some fan base.
parak bahu park(mama) story and joke and thothorathu...dama dhama...on ther whole enjoyed the day !
i sang abt Ghatothkaja!
11 th march post:
decided to go Chennai with 4 idols syams and Subra help and mama's help Internets help,drivers help my initiation,passengers help.reached chennai after insecurity finnally met thulasi(afetr 10 years of waiting)we had chated for 10 years but never met personally so tention is releived now, and delivered but hickup of lower voltage noted.Google maps help.missed lunch.carriying 4 idols idols was tiresome due to waeight.
At last met thulai seen herdaughter expressed (kamsheka) "WAW" after watching the lord idol...auto guys lootmaarof my ignorense noted and no nice treatment by thulasis home i expected minimum greetings etc!. on return Sharing auto guys help was very useful.2 times.New order from thulasi confirmed.Some how came back to tpt early morning 3 pm.
Chengaiahs call.Symas problem with Loka and Old partner.padmakars recommendation.
exposure to thulasis husband and her daughter.
Syams mamas help.syams expectation??.
12 th march post:
3 baba idols purchased.5 maxine step down converters purchased(naresh help).chengaiahs and nareshs commitments got to travel to chennai.called thulasi.neibours request of home.1 idol got from Subra.paid 1k to syam and 1 k to naresh.Again to venkatesh B.Found problem of yesterdays display at thulasi.hick up at sai baba idols purchase.Thulasis travel seems to be extended.
9th march post
Sudden call from Thulasi at syams shop at evening (called Loka)related problms need to be faced now( but one idol order seems to be confirmed) supply need to be decided now this is new hope anyway.satishdtp nellore called vislesh.com.New idols is promising at Syams shop.Morning Renigunts visit a runaway success.evening Shivanis pending payment received one broture also got but some confusions emerged.
Finally call from Chengaiah and kamalakars surreender news noted.drivers reccomendations related info need to be edited.3 hours dash at netcafe at afternoon today.Univercell variants blocked good news.Interesting.twitter employees tweets and one girls id. hyderabad document writers information seen at google maps!!!.
Even just_dial missed id but they are twetting with varient.Chalam really helped at Renigunta registration office.Womens day related news and ads.Morning confusion of gopals room enquiry.new ids(themobileexpert,chennaimobiles,npediatech).
Yesterdays missed points:Banks minimum balance issue of gopal: days Flash of gettting references of Realtors from DOcument Writers at each reg office.
eprarthana and saranam were avaialble at twitter. called Loka same number retained.Thulasis new cell number saved.When who will be hero is unknown issue.
Earliar non supportive issues pf thulasi were haunting me to decide about thulasis order supply this time too.
chanukya supplier.last 10 years development of google seen and how will be twitter development???.Call from hdfc again???.iamsrk,priyankas villages adoptation issue.When chance comes people are helping so need to wait.
To check reverse of evnets from today again.
vislesh.com rakta thilakam: rama raos cell number:98665-78292
s c basavaiah: sarvesh friend: tie up seen.thiruveedi ramanaiah:13 years celibrations chance noted.
Finally call from Chengaiah and kamalakars surreender news noted.drivers reccomendations related info need to be edited.3 hours dash at netcafe at afternoon today.Univercell variants blocked good news.Interesting.twitter employees tweets and one girls id. hyderabad document writers information seen at google maps!!!.
Even just_dial missed id but they are twetting with varient.Chalam really helped at Renigunta registration office.Womens day related news and ads.Morning confusion of gopals room enquiry.new ids(themobileexpert,chennaimobiles,npediatech).
Yesterdays missed points:Banks minimum balance issue of gopal: days Flash of gettting references of Realtors from DOcument Writers at each reg office.
eprarthana and saranam were avaialble at twitter. called Loka same number retained.Thulasis new cell number saved.When who will be hero is unknown issue.
Earliar non supportive issues pf thulasi were haunting me to decide about thulasis order supply this time too.
chanukya supplier.last 10 years development of google seen and how will be twitter development???.Call from hdfc again???.iamsrk,priyankas villages adoptation issue.When chance comes people are helping so need to wait.
To check reverse of evnets from today again.
vislesh.com rakta thilakam: rama raos cell number:98665-78292
s c basavaiah: sarvesh friend: tie up seen.thiruveedi ramanaiah:13 years celibrations chance noted.
Surprice call from Gandhi and exchanged lot of information.3 more bookings for the day.Night Chengaiah met and head ache of kamalakar noted.leopackers id again.
checked entire blogs and cam did from jan 1 st important ponts listed.Morning bank deposit of gopal work.Today in evening work i met one dentist her close touch has surprised me and any friend may meet so suddenly.as i waited someone has taken idbifortis id thats costly miss.
SWOT analysed yesterday at home.Even a smaller injury also difficult to face.To share talents like gandhi.New pen and Book.To think how many client can be fetched thru ennadu claasified adverticement.To email twitter.
checked entire blogs and cam did from jan 1 st important ponts listed.Morning bank deposit of gopal work.Today in evening work i met one dentist her close touch has surprised me and any friend may meet so suddenly.as i waited someone has taken idbifortis id thats costly miss.
SWOT analysed yesterday at home.Even a smaller injury also difficult to face.To share talents like gandhi.New pen and Book.To think how many client can be fetched thru ennadu claasified adverticement.To email twitter.
6th march
Evening enquired ith Chartered accoutnt procedur of launching a pvt ltd company.Morning attended syams shop.Twitter traffic ranks strengh details written on a book.renued few t ids.Again at rto office days earning were 300/-.Few more cards collected from market.UPPALAPTIS CALL.New note book.Google maps futher seen.Priyanka blog prints took.billgates twitter id seen.Mail from renie.
sunday 7 th march.
Mostly spent with chengaih kamalakar.alsmost 8 news papers scanned.evening to alipiri area.Nighat prabhakaran met.no net day.
sunday 7 th march.
Mostly spent with chengaih kamalakar.alsmost 8 news papers scanned.evening to alipiri area.Nighat prabhakaran met.no net day.
5th march post
What has happend to Surendra and thulasi?? yet good day with 5 cash entires of document writers and few introductions and info of 23 registration offices in Chittor. managed to post collected entries.Suffered with overnight abuse activity but managed the day.Lot of surprising.
3 hours surfing: new knowledge in twitter script,social media,
lot of other developments in marketing: have a feedback form:feed them and ask next;2.5 Alexa ranks gained.Blog posted and printout took.
Tablets and shaving cream purchased.2 visits to syams shop.worldoftribal.com site seen.
Clones similar of twitter of china and googles purchase of some site info got through net.Googles reach is 40% and twitters is close to 6%.www.CNN.coms twitters story also got.priyanaks chopra blog read.Flash marketing strategy of tweeting free to all clints mailer.info abt stamp vendors at tpt.
To target high income earning people.
Mothers complaint again need to be faced.2 times to syams shop.
3 hours surfing: new knowledge in twitter script,social media,
lot of other developments in marketing: have a feedback form:feed them and ask next;2.5 Alexa ranks gained.Blog posted and printout took.
Tablets and shaving cream purchased.2 visits to syams shop.worldoftribal.com site seen.
Clones similar of twitter of china and googles purchase of some site info got through net.Googles reach is 40% and twitters is close to 6%.www.CNN.coms twitters story also got.priyanaks chopra blog read.Flash marketing strategy of tweeting free to all clints mailer.info abt stamp vendors at tpt.
To target high income earning people.
Mothers complaint again need to be faced.2 times to syams shop.

Very cool atmosphere at morning session at ttd ad buildings spent there reading blog prints for 2 hours at morning spent happy time.At home checked how i closed net bookings and income levels from jan 2010.Segregated papers at marketing bag further trimmed it.To Syams shop met Niranjan and asked him about realtors entry.mama told funny story of narada.
Field work followed met drugs officer asked to meet on 11 th or 12 th.Luckily 3 entries closed and one more entry for evening and some data collected.at net time 5 new ids again namdharievents,ushalexus,exideindustries,wepindia,winsarinfo. Read about twitter squatting etc 7 prints took.Renued few ids of due date.
Morning call from Surendra.spent some time with Kamal.
Afternoon log in again read and took prints of twitter rules etc felt very much confused afetr reading rules and felt insure.registration office survey did and new information of availability of document wrters known.
Disappointment came after calling Bliss GM to be cafeful from now and new turn for the day is Suresh krishna complex owner buying idol settlement.Water arranged at home much advanced this time.Twitter gadjects,buttons info known.home pages layout of twitter and blogger seen.
Food and energy levels failed to maintain.Joined jana at night and while coming back met kamalakar. whole day felt hardpressed for completion of tasks.
3rd march 2010 post
morning 1 hour spent at ttd ad buildings park read back bolg prints.Mother dint show any interest in me i dont know why.after attending Syams shop straight to field work and booked 2 at document writers entries.took visitng cards from chandu.
At last after long followups veduku.com got updated with 2 links and search code and site is more clear now this is new inspiration now.few more developments 4 the day ie; who has more cleints; veduku introduction mailer print from signin.
new ids:loomcrafts,johnsonlifts,gallafoods clients info.Emailed again to few more (but in morning workout known that emails dont fetch at all.
At home counted visitng cards,billion tweets info from mashable.tirupatihelpline needs to be trimmed and now has 600 plus entries of gifs.Blog search code kept at blogs.songs of magadheera seen.Bhawans new ids noted.
Dis with kamalakar,webguy,
jvfinancial,related stock market idea.
Scooter and road traffic problems faced.
2 more handwriting samples on hand.close big ad guys for banners.
why aplusk is famous to read out.
rs 20/- rim activated.Call from chengaiah and called him too.
brief sketch of next day planned.
At last after long followups veduku.com got updated with 2 links and search code and site is more clear now this is new inspiration now.few more developments 4 the day ie; who has more cleints; veduku introduction mailer print from signin.
new ids:loomcrafts,johnsonlifts,gallafoods clients info.Emailed again to few more (but in morning workout known that emails dont fetch at all.
At home counted visitng cards,billion tweets info from mashable.tirupatihelpline needs to be trimmed and now has 600 plus entries of gifs.Blog search code kept at blogs.songs of magadheera seen.Bhawans new ids noted.
Dis with kamalakar,webguy,
jvfinancial,related stock market idea.
Scooter and road traffic problems faced.
2 more handwriting samples on hand.close big ad guys for banners.
why aplusk is famous to read out.
rs 20/- rim activated.Call from chengaiah and called him too.
brief sketch of next day planned.
2 nd march post
1 hour study at ttd park today with Lungi.
Despite Tuesday effect had a nice day.4 payments had.plus syams support capitalysed.new data also got into hand.posted earliar pending data.Viting cards printing order given to Chandu after 3 followups.survey idea fetched some data of document of 9 writers.
Chanllenge at home by mom and Sons touch at kidswear seen.bouncers include photo studio and kids wear.Nice effect at balaji Cranes.Janardhan is on nerves but decided to not to lose temper at what ever irritation levels.
Surprise of the day is call from renie ravin for univercell twitter id : indiblogger:rank:14 075 and major sponcerors addresses to be on hand.
More grip on kdslayer had today and also of my own blog.pending entries posted.
Flash: for a rs 100/- listing theres no need to have a web site.
at morning new flash of to do some surveys fetched of dc writers.
Srinivasam kalyanam missed at kerala not to miss again next time.
spell check of essilor,to start with a quality twwets from now,
Despite Tuesday effect had a nice day.4 payments had.plus syams support capitalysed.new data also got into hand.posted earliar pending data.Viting cards printing order given to Chandu after 3 followups.survey idea fetched some data of document of 9 writers.
Chanllenge at home by mom and Sons touch at kidswear seen.bouncers include photo studio and kids wear.Nice effect at balaji Cranes.Janardhan is on nerves but decided to not to lose temper at what ever irritation levels.
Surprise of the day is call from renie ravin for univercell twitter id : indiblogger:rank:14 075 and major sponcerors addresses to be on hand.
More grip on kdslayer had today and also of my own blog.pending entries posted.
Flash: for a rs 100/- listing theres no need to have a web site.
at morning new flash of to do some surveys fetched of dc writers.
Srinivasam kalyanam missed at kerala not to miss again next time.
spell check of essilor,to start with a quality twwets from now,
1 st march 2010
Hard pressed again for cash at morning surprisingly.another head ache from mother this day too need to settle this very urgently.as usual managed morning workouts etc.morning field work failed but managed net postings.attended syams shop but no assurance of any type that led to speedy decicion of going to srikalahasti and that saved for the day miraculous 4 entries but again congress meeting disturbed .some more data collected from skht.
During 1 hour net time at after noon managed to post blog and one id.felt more comfort by bus than scooter.Morning at home sunday ads cam did. flash idea for the day is :i must catch and close VIDYABALAN twitter contract.
Followup did for jana to complete vdk code work.during the travel to skht read blog and not wasted time.
2 more ids again into hand ie:lancogroup,suruchifoods,sribio.
Met Bliss hotel people night.
During 1 hour net time at after noon managed to post blog and one id.felt more comfort by bus than scooter.Morning at home sunday ads cam did. flash idea for the day is :i must catch and close VIDYABALAN twitter contract.
Followup did for jana to complete vdk code work.during the travel to skht read blog and not wasted time.
2 more ids again into hand ie:lancogroup,suruchifoods,sribio.
Met Bliss hotel people night.
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