tweeted blog posted started email arrows.Gateforum expectation failed.Syams party at night.Unexpected bouncer with chengaiah.dilipsurana,balajidarshan had.veduku banner finally hosted at fullhyd.article about kasbekar at yahoo read.firstrandbank at twitter.water people met 99486-52126
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2010
29th april post

Felt very happy after changing pic at k profile.Lot of fan mails read.One call for inyiya.Seen alexa and surpriced about the traffic details of big sites and india potenciality.Goenkaglobal,pjainjewellers into fold.
Fb include policybazaar/shirdiguide,juniorbachan/iamramesh7,tharoor/tirupatiguide.iampriyanka/tirupathitour.
Only few arrows were sent.one hope for the day is enquiry from gateforum need to be seen as how it develops.
28th april

Major develeopment for the day is known personal commitment for twitter account by jana.Scooter tyre Puncture work did and comfort enjoyed alter.while surfing at reliance Majeed gave new offer need to be cheked.most of the K tweets deleted still ther were followers.read some tweets of celebs.Konline at fb booked.
Sent new banner to fullhyd also sent mails to some jewellers.
Social media mailer created.At park morning roughly calculated ids on hand.new site about pics indiaglitz.com known.VODAfone barand worth noted.Night chengaiah met.
26 th apirl

Suddenly shifted a different strategy for the day and mailed to fullhyd and manabadi and few others replys received from usa and kishore.Syams and new trigger is to join him on site visit i skipped.pending blog posted and prints took.
Net Saga includes kasbekars reply evening mallyas coverage.effect of vikipedia.Knolwdge abd befits from internet analysed.Cell phone batter failed again but soon got it replaced so tention releaved.Planning of emailing failed gain.managaed cloth pressing.celebs pages listed at google anaylysed found vidya balan ranks top on current list on hand.kajalaonline@yahoo.com.read about twitter stamp at twitter related things impersonalisation details..wikipedias blu link details.Night shout at K??.Coffe with Viatal at alipiri.answers.com quetion abt K??.
27 th post:Sudden hick up of bundh call a real havoc for the day no progress at all added it blazing sun efeect ruined the entire day.managed celebs tweets written on note book is the only progress for the day.Another upset is enquiring about K??.evening enquiry with K.K. Prasad abt k.Slow net at cafe is big disappointment.evening venkatesh met.lot of details about movies release got.
MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010
25th april sundays post

Enjoyed IPL finals at chekri with prabhakaran and chegaiah Congrats to CSK leaders all the way.More cricket related chat at twitter plus info of #tag known.Surprising raymondindia was avilable at twit so reserved it along with setindia(sony max)with mumbaione(85000).
good knowledge about IPL and players and commentrators timing is the new area exposed.Small survey of 5 celebs on hand with 5 people at reliance found surprising things.Mostly read many celebs tweets and their followers and their style.Edited KA profile.ipl(1432)
New info clubmahindra(14 805)embeded twitter,FB,youtube.enaadu article about twitter celebs.Crossed 1 k for k.new pen and new cell phone charge.A long walk from Rtc to home surising one.
24 th April post

late night dinner and good comment from chengaiah,sober lunch with prabhakaran and chengaiah at hotel sindhuri park.Gopals booking printouts took.Few more pages edited at nelloretimes.com.seen some vedoes on youtube about facebook.united most of the fans at twitter.
Days new ideas are 400 plus arrows on hand.twitter is more for celebs and facebook is for corporates.Seen brands worth in billions.Days ids for fb are bharatpetrolium/fullbanga 189264,ranbaxy/chennaiyp,2,41 713.eezeego/newyorkyp 27 093 manabadi/vgrapahia.generalindia at t.some follower highlighted about one more weakness.read sammera tweets and started to mix with people.
few more logos saved and prints took.wallmart too missed on twitter is surprising news.other traffic ranks data indiainfo;9864.cleartrip;2967.realtor;703;indiaproperty;8212.at best indiansites mnay good sites on each catogory seen.facebook tutorial seen at vedeos.help of earliar yahoo ids on hand is encouraging.activated 225 pack at reliance again.to ask fanfare ids after that web page.but days target of emailing missed.
23rd Aprils post

magicbricks,galatta 99acres fb into fold.no need of cell phone activations for fb is very promising.Bouncer again cyber cafe was closed.Gopals request for email.Lot of enjyoyment through tweets.one call received.removed comment at chakpak.helped mama to buy computer table.Friends effect at darling.Tremendous potenciality of movies.
Some kind of insecurity again?
21st aprils post

Fb ids with yahoo segregated seperately.Expdia fb id details seen.40 logos saved and prints took.kajal tweets developed with new pic.my pic at twitter changed.fullhyd fb available.emailed to inasra.10 pages at nt edited again.belt purchased.mama came to home.Messages sent to money control.totally missed syams shop.
20th april post

advantages of the day: organised t ids at file.moneycontrol(alex 663),inasra,naaptol(7332) fb ids registered help of social media.nelloretimes.com code further edited for few more pages.replys recived from emails sent very encouraging act.seen 500 alexa ranks again.
mallays entry in twitter and quick 10 000 followers.niituniqua(1,26 011)blingglobal.blog and logos prints took.ph number of anakama rao,sridhar( 92469 90144) and cfae guy ravi(93900 42211)took.Quick replys from balu.
fullhyd work coulnt be proceded and bouncer mail from kishore.another one from inasra guy.expenses continues.poor income from infolinks.powercut related problems.moms related tention at morning.scotter problem remained.
19th April post

Major improvements of the day: Follow me idea and its integration to blog and web site.100 more users at celibrity is encoutaging.text link color for whole sites changed to blue result need to be checked.income levels with infolinks developed.More pages cleaned code at nelloretimes changed.Logo idea of nelloretimes.com to nytimes.Naptol idea.emailing with new strategy and subsiquent replys.More easy handling of ftp.paid jana.7 more ids univercellshop,store,blog,live,chevronhotels,paihotels,jimyellowpages.few more logos saved.new know of twitter for social media.infilinks bank account aproval email.Bab ramdevs news at nytimes.joined list of blogger of chennai.all pwds changed to tough ones.
set backs: cafe was not opened,scooter,arguments with jana,aotu charges to anna raos circle.night incident at home.chengaiahs chat.printouts problems at cafe.childrens menace at reliance.late food problems.insecurity.shoutings at wine shop.energy levels problems throught the day more expenses. etc.
18th April post

Morning coolly handled transfer work its the begining of a great future.activated rs 225/- Reliance net surfing pack.Added few pics in blog again.Twitter R&D continued with vetuku account.Ahuge ids hunt for the day bagged 8 of them in 3 and half hour net stint.Priyankas Twwet pic seen ids;they include:suviram,vasaneye,florastand,chilukurireal,ravitax,sirishahomes,flowerexpress,riteverses.Info abt tweeexchange but that seems to be useless.3 plus one razors offer bagged.tablets and washing power.managed the day without scooter.
Evening to syams shop met singer and he dropped on return and known of 1000 songs memory.Mouthshut guy at twitter.
17th april

After a long follow up banner work got completed and sent but needs to be brushed up again.4 hours morning work collected lot of earliar logos and saved on flicker.In deccan chronicle there was lot of news on social network so read and seen web sites.Flim actreses followers crossed 2500 and fast becoming a big asset.Days ids is floralhut.One guy at adwords balaji saved.3 lakhs new ids at twitter info known.Dc notes read at facebook.Frequent D/C of cyber cafe a big disturbance.
Tyre puncture head ache could not be solved.
Managed to edit some pages at nt finally good work nelloretimes.com cleaned further.
Evening managed to meet syam and mama and had discussions need to see profiles.Rajendra came to chat.Adopting villages idea??.manabadi story heading for a near success.
16th aprils post

Day started with childrens menace at Municipal park yet managed morning meditation and days planning.Gopals request for sunday followed after reaching home.Water filled at home with 2 more extra buckets it was helpful at night.Heavy blaze of Sun throught the day.Success at Nt and veduku finally social media logos kept at sites looked very impressive.Very slow of net at cafe at morning.Morning kept many pics at blog.
Afternoon lunch time Chengaiah met suddenly quite unexpected move i lost temper at K this should be avoided followed by discussion with tea shop Reddy (his funny comment about ladies)headed to home at home had to suffer without fan to sleep.Evening at cafe monitor got changed but lot of flickering was there yet i managed entire email list of hotel bliss checked and reserved cadilapharma,heenatours and segregated another 17 ids to be saved.
At syams shop my song on pancharatna had claps and also segregated ids to be saved at net of t logos.blog prints and new logo prints took.reply had from dallas guy.Ultimatum given to jana for banner.Reply of Oberoihotel tweets is encouraging.
After watching few pages of nelloretimes.com felt discouraged with the old content need to be edited fast.Seen nellore.com good collection of schools data.Invitations of yahoo emails is new thing for the day.A certain nose diving heading and insecurity continued how to save i dont know just heading towards it bluntly expecting a success.Someones harsh looks and comments at drinks time???
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
15th april post

panfurniture,ciplafield had.14th blog posted.bulid your brand page at blog edited with logos.Reply got from kishore fullhyd.flickr,facebook,twitter icons saved.In the morning session segregated blog and twitter ids pages on file at ttd buildings.Some what cool day.venkaiahs family pic saved.Big idol at syams shop seen.managed to send 18 emails for t with new matter from signinn.System problem at sridevi complex has hit days work.Cipla site seen.Ac rs 30/- at signinn.Night rs 100/- from Syam.Problems with Gali devudu.Night call from jana and Gopal.Huge ids at bliss email data need to worked.Total blog of april segregated seperately.
14th april post

Heat is steadily progessing for summer.spent 4 hours at net did considerable pending works.lot of pics of logos saved and took prints.blog is updated.devudu menace at syams shop was discouraging.seen logos of twitter and facebook in Oberoi hotels web site thus a new hope again.litaski,pageacademy folded.destroyed one id for the first time but felt bad.resposnce got from fullhyd.addresses of ids saved and took prints.
on first page of nt kept code this is success again for the day.jana met on chat.firezilla also handled for the first time.
13 th april post

Most important development of the day is handled ftp from sridevi complex cafe and successfully managed to keep twitter and infolinks code in veduku.com and edited most of the pages now to develop further on this also saved the code on cafes system net. Other improvements for the day with ids: hairfixing,kapleshwar,vgpresorts,sachintravels,jvtravels.nutantravels,permastamp,veesons,mana_badi.No reply from Dallas guy is annoyimg one.Unexpectedly had to settle gopals cash so now no tenstion and confusion and so with Chengaiahs stones gave him back by evening but now whats at hand is clearly known.Raghunath reddys new offer was interesting and failed with marvadi guy of ananda nilayams.Lot of work did on net improvements today.
At shop written ids collected so far seperately.Suffered with heat and tyre puncture issues yet managed with difficulty.On actresses followers were kept on increasing and this is interesting.Few more tweets read of others.wash and new pen new book managed.
No calls on market??
12 th april post

Morning Chengaih met and gave Gem stones.Quickly decided few things and released fullhyderabad and emailed to manabadi offer.at net addresses of recent ids saved.evening met CA and web developer Rajendra cell 9700481419 arajarani31@gmail.com. days ids were netlinkindia,sundirecthd,airtelmail,unitekups,dsgroups,.
no field work continued.shirt problem of heavy sweating noted.pending blog posted.byke tyre puncture problem rectified.replay from dallas guy got thats new inspriration.Afternoon suffered with heat at home.call from kalamkari guy a new menace.
11 th aprils post

Took prints 5 from sridhardoddala@gmail.com(signinn).days ids saved were shrushtiivf,lalitrealtor,vinbros,stsons,nutnspices,cethar.Seen Kodak has many ids for twitter.Lof of time spent at syams shop mor and evening.seen shilpa shettys twitter ids and tweets.
mama gave new idea as pharma companies fear of reputation or any other.Post card idea has emerged at night.again gave 39 500/- to mom.
Kalyanam guy from bangalore called up at morning but dint turnup later.addresses of latest ids blocked saved at mynellore.and thats all not much for the day.
10th april post

important events of the day were discussion with fullhyderabad.quickly had to change few ids bio.Water problem at home gave big distubance.Powercut gave another hickup.new knowledge for the day is to have strong pwd.500 common pwds seen.keenly observed twitter rules again.index pages of some sites seen.2 ads prepared at syams shop.
univercell@vsnl.net,NT renewal date sep,28th.days calls include jana and one enq for mrriage at tirumala.One sales girl met chandini 9000047906.deepatravels had again.
9th Aprils post

Differences started with mama on selling idols for cost and his main intentions on shop also were known.Shocking email from renie was a upset for whole day but one more time to look back at my own agreesive behaviour needs to be checked.One vedeo some one said offline is much more powerful is a new insght for the day.seen 2 big ads at news papers One for univercell another for new hotel launch at tirupati.On my main goal some new trategy is fast emerging in my mind as to have 500 or 1000 ids and leave for reply from them.
Due to insecurity changed pwds of celibrities this is known only to me.Days ids include colorplusonline,telugutimes,sheenlac,smswebsolutions,lookworld,techpumps,rajpark.
Idea of highest tax peyers to sell idols.Need to sell quick idol now.Chinnis new offer need to encashed.Messages to Vidya balans by her fans is new knowledge.Grhomes video seen.dress for the day was most irritating reson only known to me.Twitter employees flicker pics seen.
tweets of people as of today
2.priyankachopra 2910
3.marenka: 2170
4.shashitaroor; 3388
5.juniorbachan; 5266
6.billagates; 102.
8.biz 3864.
10.oprah; 115.
11.dooce; 1352
12.engadget: 23036
Days net knowledge: labnol 2433,linkedin 29,ryze,peerpower 34 877,
FRIDAY, APRIL 09, 2010
8 th april

Due to sound had to shift to municipal park area and continued meditation there.Need to put twitter and facrbook badges in web sites.univercell varients guy,man, reserved again.discussion with Silicon andhra guy about manabadi is new thing of twitter today.long time spent with net today almost 7 hours.emailed to indiblogger and indimobile.added few more logos of landmark ids and took prints of them too.4k aproval from gopal got at morning.whats skype?? need to check.twitter etiquette vedeo seen.
New flash of suggesting new alternatives for social media to clients.timing of vedeos noted.Achived al last total trimming control another success achived finally.importance of linkedin.com noted.Watch repair and tablets work completed.leadall yet another id for the day.
7th april post

After watching the massacre of Jawans got disturbed for the day it was like a movie of war jawans said they were outnumbered i think worlrd is shocked at this incident.Unable to lift Surendra call.Morning shifted the strategy before going to Syams shop had a halt at web cafe near ttd ad buildings and did few tasks.mailed some of srivari villas project and lamdmark ids.transfered pics to new id created nughantuvu vetukunew some of logos and pics.Some of florists logos added.At last Srivari banner was launched at veduku by jana.
After net work gone to syams shop this time i dint wish any of them and reaction was really expected.afternoon sridevi complex continued some tasks.seen brands who are doing well with twitter and found new variant lewisguy.
Relaince cafe still had some upgrading problem.Evening work took some social media prints.sun was scorching in the afternoon and was unable to sleep at home.Helped subra and loka.
6 th april post
Lof of work with logos of t ids did home work at syam shop also did.Uneasy noted throught the day.lot of things got organised for the day.Morning seen one new idol of lord balaji.Scooter problem while climbing the iscon temple noted return was totally easy.Free gift idea by mama.Seen pride hotel.twitter further trimmied.spell check edited.shoe given for repair.More of syam financial commitment known.
5 th april post
Monday: Morning during meditation time strage looks by some one disturbing again but kept cool.Found much time to loacate a barbar and finally had hair cut and color after this very positive comments had throught the day.40 k withdrawn and gave to mom.Unable to speedup the works for the day.Pressure had from mama for not attending the shop on sunday.
Flicke further developed today with lot of known pics.Vedeo of as how american president gets elected seen with another dead ones with non cooperation from khader at relaince.Failed to followup landmark ids followup totally.Lunch foe became friendly again.(reddeppa).
New refil and paste managed to buy.Cyber cafe guys positive comment.Met Subra at syams shop.Dangerous levels cash balances on hand aproaching very faster.Call from Chengaiah.
(Recent disturbances analysed::
problem at idli,kamalakar,niranjan,jana,strange looks,thulasi complain,mama s pressure,Summer heat,Azeez pressure,Univercell suspemsion,neibour,Rx failure,Rx jana,Chengaiah,mams head ache,Songs of cell from others,arthrities problem,Ramojis affair,dangerous cash levels again,meram,jatbal,thulasi,hdfc,shilparathnams no reply,bag,Shoe,scooters menace,eye glass,hair color,pressure to gollapalli)
Flicke further developed today with lot of known pics.Vedeo of as how american president gets elected seen with another dead ones with non cooperation from khader at relaince.Failed to followup landmark ids followup totally.Lunch foe became friendly again.(reddeppa).
New refil and paste managed to buy.Cyber cafe guys positive comment.Met Subra at syams shop.Dangerous levels cash balances on hand aproaching very faster.Call from Chengaiah.
(Recent disturbances analysed::
problem at idli,kamalakar,niranjan,jana,strange looks,thulasi complain,mama s pressure,Summer heat,Azeez pressure,Univercell suspemsion,neibour,Rx failure,Rx jana,Chengaiah,mams head ache,Songs of cell from others,arthrities problem,Ramojis affair,dangerous cash levels again,meram,jatbal,thulasi,hdfc,shilparathnams no reply,bag,Shoe,scooters menace,eye glass,hair color,pressure to gollapalli)
4 th april sundays post

Morning again without preparation attended walkers meeting at ttd AD buildings. Speaker gave speech on suicidal tendencies and how to avoid them.(academic stress,heat,good parenting were new words).To face criticism.Multi organ failure story at their news paper,to guide,good management etc.
energy levels totally failed at morning tiffen time.
lot of R* D did at as stongest contributions to my growth in life with people analysed.(Teaming up with syam and me was ranks first: his followup with Abhimanyu,tirupatiguide story:Corporation sales in bangalore;mirror land bangalore sales.Micro orders.vaidehi hospital.tirupati raos frame.Rantam sales at nellore.subba reddy chennai.Mumbai sales.Kolkata sales. Thulasi and gopal rank next.
New turn of the day is Ankama raos purchase of old idols and new cash at hand.
Lof of developments at reliance cyber cafe today seen many videos on varies topics.Fickr foto sharing known with tags etc.Cloud computing.wiki pedia usage.twitter and google search tips exposed.Social networking.secure sites.software and hardware details.bookmarking,loan with long instalments were very impressive.Language spelling skills also known.
Prabhakaran met and we went to Mayura hotel had rava idli tasty one and good rush seen.his language skills exposed again.night lot of work did on collecting pics for twitter with 2 hours prolonged work.
success story with syam analysed.lot of email ids seen at the hindu but need to collect them at a later date.facebook further developed.trimmed twitter too.at last retrived thulasi family pics.seen ambicaempire site.Found very tough to walk back from group theatres.seen blog of coocking4allseasons.
The power on hand now is:videos power,google maps,blogging,tweeting power.some cash at hand.rx hope.expansion.surveys power.poster strategy.
what can be done from now: Continue team building and give adverticement:Continue twitter lamdmark ids followup;Social media(twitter,facebook improvement.Try to sell idols,foto sharing to improve,sms go on feeding etc
3rd april post
93 rd day in 2010.Morning Pressure had to withdraw 40 k and handover to gopal from my sbi transfer tip of technician noted seen unexpected heavy rush.rules known and limits known banking power also known.mama says nee to email to Cadila again.further rd on facebook and surpricingly univercell had into fold with syams help.Lot of discussions seen on real estate project launching at syams shop.clearly observed hows twitter working and trimmed it further.Another shop at kapilatheertham plans at shop.
Eve rx book seen and attended syams shop his target for april looks to be imposing 1 lakh to be seen.Niranjans insecurity known and bad comment again.new text link activated which is ranking alexa 900.Swati mag read at morning about one article.few things arranged at home.
vidya balans profile seen at facebook.my blog suspended ids at twitter is getting spidered to the top.yes yes yes! New code activated for income. Night disturbance at tiffen was unwanted.
major break thoughs in my life time:
1.gandhis poster strategy
2.rx book had with ramachandra which is unbeleivable
3.ravi rx punters cash:
4.office and team and news paper and cloth banners at nellore padmakar,usha,maxindia,kvn and his bro,gandhi mk,uk,and other team.
5.gopal,thulasi funding,usha,syams,t.v ratnam,sankyo,bhavani,sridhar reddy, vetuku,nelloreone.etc.
6.seena singapore,hyderabad friends,satish,dhanraj,prasad,laddu,akheel etc.
7.saga of geocities,oocities,blog,adsense,
8.syams:micro order,abhis follow up,babu rao,magunta,ratnam.
9.eenadu ad,chengaiah,naresh,munawwer,a/c room of kamalakr
Eve rx book seen and attended syams shop his target for april looks to be imposing 1 lakh to be seen.Niranjans insecurity known and bad comment again.new text link activated which is ranking alexa 900.Swati mag read at morning about one article.few things arranged at home.
vidya balans profile seen at facebook.my blog suspended ids at twitter is getting spidered to the top.yes yes yes! New code activated for income. Night disturbance at tiffen was unwanted.
major break thoughs in my life time:
1.gandhis poster strategy
2.rx book had with ramachandra which is unbeleivable
3.ravi rx punters cash:
4.office and team and news paper and cloth banners at nellore padmakar,usha,maxindia,kvn and his bro,gandhi mk,uk,and other team.
5.gopal,thulasi funding,usha,syams,t.v ratnam,sankyo,bhavani,sridhar reddy, vetuku,nelloreone.etc.
6.seena singapore,hyderabad friends,satish,dhanraj,prasad,laddu,akheel etc.
7.saga of geocities,oocities,blog,adsense,
8.syams:micro order,abhis follow up,babu rao,magunta,ratnam.
9.eenadu ad,chengaiah,naresh,munawwer,a/c room of kamalakr
2nd april post

New marketing bad and travel bags purchased.as usual 1 hour planning hour at ttd park.morning 3 hours net finally facebook id created through cell phone activation.A long chat with jana.Seen signatures collected so far.Mailed thulasi.Gopals calls at morning.rx book seen.Syams and surendras calls.
latest developments
new marketing bag,travel bag,banians,new kerchiefs,veh repair,Surendra cash,facebook id,rx updates,2 donors list,eye glass,ud.com info,trimmed twitter,donors list,how to be hacker videos seen,srikalahasti data,oasi star videos,my blog,realtors potenciaity info,vedeos on social networking,who is following whom on twitter,last 1000 years,nt info,rx new strategy,new idea of feeding before,new idols at syam,to continue document writers,song of avatar effect,google maps,bizlist data,sms knowledge,bloggers meet,bank account activated,seen thulasi,long term paln required,bliss data,vdk mailer,Tamil exposure,search code in nt,vdk,chain brought back,eating knowledge in rx,new rx point,vetuku,up grade to vedeos,wall poster idea.
1 hours strong planning work at ttd park.Surprise of the day is surendra came things followed after.Scotter gave biggest hickup for whole day got compromised.night seen rx book.entire day missed net.Banians and kerchiefs and wash managed at home.
Irksome situation at syams shop when a customer came in and again in eve when told him of srivari deal discussion with his sister.No reply yet in univercell.
Irksome situation at syams shop when a customer came in and again in eve when told him of srivari deal discussion with his sister.No reply yet in univercell.